Public Notice - Bylaw No. 2140


of the Town of Peace River in the Province of Alberta

Sections 231, 264, and 265 of the Municipal Government Act

TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Town of Peace River, in the Province of Alberta, has given first reading to Bylaw No. 2140 which will, on final passage and approval, authorize the proper officers of the said municipality to lend the sum of $20,000 to the Peace River Ski Club for the purpose of repaying their Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) Loan. The funds will be advanced from the Town’s Operating Reserve. The Peace River Ski Club will enter into an agreement to repay the loan to the Town of Peace River by March 31, 2028, in annual payments of $4,000, with an interest rate of 0%.

NOW THEREFORE notice is hereby given by the Council of the Town of Peace River that, unless a petition of the electors for a vote on the proposed bylaw is demanded, as provided for by the terms of Section 231 of the Municipal Government Act, the said Council may pass the said Bylaw No. 2140.

All persons interested are hereby notified and they are required to govern themselves accordingly.

Dated at the Town of Peace River, in the Province of Alberta, this 13th day of September, 2023.

Barbara Miller
Chief Administrative Officer


Pursuant to Section 1(1) of the Municipal Government Act, an “elector” means a person who is eligible to vote in the election for a councillor under the Local Authorities Election Act.

Pursuant to Section 47(1) of the Local Authorities Election Act, a person is eligible to vote in an election if the person:

  1. is at least 18 years old;
  2. is a Canadian Citizen; and
  3. resides in Alberta and the person’s place of residence is located in the local jurisdiction on election day.

Pursuant to Section 223 of the Municipal Government Act, a vote may be demanded in the Town of Peace River by electors equal in number to at least 10% of the population of the municipality. The petition for a vote must be received by the Chief Administrative Officer within 15 days of the last publication of this notice and shall contain on each page “an identical statement of the purpose of the petition”. (Further requirements of the petition are provided in Section 224 of the Municipal Government Act.)

Date of last publication of this notice is 27 of September, 2023.

A PDF copy of this notice has been included below: