2025 Election

Municipal Elections

Municipal elections occur every four years. The next municipal election will be held October 20, 2025.

Nomination period opens January 2, 2025.

More information will be posted to this page as we get closer to Nomination and Election Day. 

Are you thinking about Running for Town Council?

Deciding to run for municipal office is a significant undertaking, and if successful it means dedicating a considerable amount of time and effort to your community. 

We have compiled the below information to help you as you contemplate whether running for Town Council is right for you, including eligibility criteria and other tidbits about what it looks like to serve as a municipal Councillor. 

Printable PDF: Thinking About Running for Council? What to Expect if you're Elected.

Running in the Municipal Election? We've got you covered.

Here you will find information to help guide you through running in the 2025 Municipal Election, including election forms, requirements for submitting nomination papers, overview of campaign finance requirements, rules around election signage, etc. 

Notice of Intent to Run

The Notice of Intent to Run process is new for the 2025 municipal election and differs from the Nomination process. 

Prospective candidates must file the Notice of Intent to Run form before accepting campaign contributions or incurring campaign expenses. Once the Returning Officer receives the completed form, the candidate's name will be added to the Register of Candidates on the Town’s website.  A candidate is responsible to ensure they are eligible to run in accordance with the Local Authorities Election Act.

A Notice of Intent to Run may be submitted anytime during a campaign period but MUST be submitted with your nomination papers.  

Submitting a Notice of Intent to Run does not make you a candidate.  

A candidate nomination package must still be submitted and accepted by the Returning Officer during the Nomination Period which begins January 2, 2025, and runs until noon on September 22, 2025.  It is the responsibility of potential candidates to ensure their submissions meet the legislated requirements and are submitted within the required timelines.

To submit your Notice of Intent to Run, please complete the form (link below) and return to the Returning Officer at the Town Office:  9911 100 Street, Peace River or by email to kparsons@peaceriver.ca  

Notice of Intent to Run Form

Nomination Papers

Nomination period opens January 2, 2025.

Nomination Papers & Candidates Acceptance (Form 4) can be submitted starting January 2, 2025, until close of Nomination Day, being NOON on September 22, 2025. Late submissions CANNOT be accepted. 

Forms must be submitted to the Returning Officer at the Town Office: 

9911 100 Street, Peace River. 

You are encouraged to make an appointment with the Returning Officer to drop off your papers, to ensure availability. 

 Nomination papers (Form 4) must: 

  • be completed in the prescribed form (available below or for pick up at the Town Office)
  • have signatures of at least 5 electors eligible to vote in this election in accordance with sections 27 and 47 of the Local Authorities Election Act
  • be sworn (or affirmed) by the candidate
  • be accompanied by a $50 deposit  
  • include a criminal record check conducted by the RCMP within the last 6 months, showing any past criminal convictions

Any nomination papers not meeting the above criteria shall be rejected by the Returning Officer, in accordance with section 28(4) of the LAEA. 

In accordance with section 27(1.1) of the LAEA, Candidate Financial Information (Form 5, available below or for pick up at the Town Office) must also be submitted to the Returning Officer upon submission of completed nomination package. 

Form 4: Nomination Paper & Candidate's Acceptance 

Form 5: Candidate Financial Information 

This section is a work in progress, so please check back as we make updates.

In the meantime, you can also find helpful information regarding municipal elections here:

Local Authorities Election Act

GOA: Prospective Candidates