A business licence indicates to your customers that you run a responsible business that follows the rules and regulations, including development, health, fire and building code, and public safety requirements. Requiring all businesses to meet minimum regulatory standards and enforcing those standards also helps create a level playing field within the business community.
Business licencing in the Town of Peace River is regulated by Bylaw No. 1776.
Business licences are required for individuals or groups who operate or sell in Peace River, even if your business is not based here. This helps you connect with us for promotion throughout Peace River, opportunities for your business and news.
How do I get a licence?
Complete the online business licence application. A licence is issued once fees are collected and any other approvals are completed.
All licences are automatically renewed and invoiced at the beginning of each year, unless written notice is provided confirm that a business has ceased operations as of December 31 of the previous year.
Types of Licences
All businesses that operate within the Town’s municipal limits and have a permanent Peace River business location must obtain a Yearly-Resident municipal business licence.
All regional businesses that operate within the Town’s municipal limits but do not have a permanent Peace River business location must obtain a municipal business licence. A regional business is a business operating within 100 kilometres of the Town. As regional businesses do not pay Town taxes, the fee for a Town business licence is higher than for those businesses that maintain a base business location within the town.
The Town requires all non-resident businesses to obtain a municipal business licence. A non-resident business is a business that operates within the Town’s municipal limits, in whole or in part, but does not have a permanent Peace River business location. As non-resident businesses do not pay Town taxes, the fee for a Town business licence is higher than for those businesses that maintain a base business location within the town.
No matter how large or how small your business operation is, the Town of Peace River requires all home occupations to obtain a municipal business licence.
Hawkers and Peddlers are required to get a business licence. Hawkers and Peddlers include persons:
going door to door to sell goods,
offering for sale through samples, patterns, etc good or services that will be delivered later, and
selling goods or services on the streets.
Hawkers and Peddlers does not include people selling meat or farm produce, or fish raised or caught by themselves.
Before you apply:
Prior to applying for your business licence, please take time to research the requirements for your business.
You may need to incorporate your business and/or register your business name. Contact Service Alberta to inquire.
The land use bylaw establishes districts where different types of businesses are allowed, Please confirm if your business is allowed in your intended location. Please contact Planning and Development for more information on districting and how to find a location that is districted for your proposed business activity.
Once you have found a potential location, it is recommended that you speak with Town staff before you sign a lease to confirm whether your business activity is allowed at that location. This due diligence is the responsibility of the business owner as part of making an informed and responsible investment decision. If your business activity is not allowed in the district, you may need to inquire about applying for a redistrict or select a different location where the district allows your business activity.
Apply for development and building permits, if required. Even if your business activity is allowed in the district where your proposed business is located, it doesn’t mean your business licence application can automatically be approved. You may still need a development permit and/or building permits before your business licence application can be approved. These permits help ensure that what is built is safe, meets regulatory requirements and fits in with the surrounding community. Permits are needed if you are:
Changing the type of business activity at the location (for example, converting retail space into a restaurant)
Building a new space
Undertaking interior or exterior renovations to an existing space
Installing or replacing a sign on or off the premises.
You may need to make renovations even if you hadn’t originally planned on it. The Town encourages businesses to consider hiring professional contractors and designers to assist them, especially for more complex projects.
Depending on your business, you may also be subject to additional regulatory requirements from other agencies (for example, Alberta Health Services, Alberta Gaming Liquor and Cannabis, Canada Revenue Agency, etc.).
Your Licence is Issued
Once all of the application requirements have been met, your business licence will be issued, and a licence certificate will be sent to you by mail.
Please allow two weeks for your licence to arrive. If you have not received it after two weeks, contact Town Office.
When you receive your licence certificate, you must post it on the business premises in a prominent and visible location. If your business is open to the public, you must post the certificate either at the point of sale, or in a location that is visible from the main entrance.
You may also receive a file copy of your licence if you provided an email address. This copy is for your records only and must not be posted.
Remember to renew your licence before it expires.
Lost or Replacement Licence
If you have lost or damaged your licence certificate, please contact the Town office to request a replacement.
Updating or Cancelling Your Existing Business Licence
As your business grows and changes you may move to a new location, add new owners, change your business activities or expand your existing space. It is important for you to inform the Town about these changes because your licence is only valid when it has accurate information.
Specific professions or occupations are required to be licensed by the Province of Alberta. In most cases, the business will still require a municipal business licence issued by the Town of Peace River to conduct business operations legally within town limits.
Obtaining a municipal business licence and registering your business are two separate processes. Businesses that are interested in registering can contact Service Alberta or view this brochure for more information.