101 Street Stormwater Project

The Town has been monitoring the storm sewer behind the Points West building on 99th Street (River Road) which has failed and requires repair.

On September 1, 2023, a public tender closed for work to address the storm water and superficial washout damage. No construction bids were submitted to the Town of Peace River for the scope of work that was posted.

The Town is actively working with the project engineering consultants to come up with a plan to get the road opened back up and damaged infrastructure repaired as soon as possible, including reaching out to interested contractors who declined to submit pricing for the work to address outstanding concerns.

In 2024, Town Council approved the necessary budget to proceed with the project. We’ve also partnered with ParklandGEO, a geotechnical firm, to assess the stability of the embankment. Their monitoring has shown no significant movement in the area, which is promising news, as it suggests that the primary issue is erosion — something that simplifies our repair plans. 

Right now, we’re revising the design based on the current conditions and the feedback we received from the initial project tender in 2023. The project will include repairing and upgrading the storm pipe, relocating some utilities (a process that has already begun), fixing the guardrail, replacing a section of curb and gutter, and doing a paving patch.

Project Tender

Tender: 101 Street Storm sewer

Information Presented to Council

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