Subdivision is a legal process involving the creation of individual titled lots from larger parcels of land. Legislative authority for subdivision approval is provided by the Municipal Government Act and the Subdivision Authority Bylaw No. 2063 [PDF/117KB].
Subdividing one or more lots into two or more lots;
Subdividing one or more lots into a bare land condominium.
Pre-Application Meeting
Please contact the Subdivision Officer for a pre-application meeting prior to submitting your subdivision application.
The subdivision application outlines the required minimum information requirements. Depending on the complexity of the application and its location in the town, more information may be required by the Subdivision Authority to consider the application complete.
The Subdivision Officer is responsible for the complete processing of subdivision applications including:
Reviewing the initial application;
Processing the complete application;
Public notification;
Issuing decisions;
Endorsement of final plans and documents.
Subsequent to an initial subdivision approval you have one year to finalize the subdivision and create new lots or units. You must:
Provide a complete subdivision endorsement package to the Town;
Meet all conditions of approval;
Register the subdivision plan at Alberta Land Titles.
Subdivision is the process of dividing single parcel of land into two or more parcels, each with a separate Certificate of Title. The subdivision process is also used when adjusting existing lot lines.
The registered owner of a property, or an agent authorized to act on the registered owner’s behalf, through written authorization.
A subdivision application must be made in writing with the appropriate form. The complete application must include:
The application form, completed in full and signed,
A tentative plan of survey,
The application fee,
A current Certificate of Title, and
Any additional information that may be required to ensure the proposed subdivision meets the requirements of the provincial legislation and municipal bylaws.
The tentative plan shows the proposed subdivision within the presently held title, and the location of any buildings, existing and proposed water supplies, and sewage disposal facilities. A tentative plan must be prepared by a registered Alberta Land Surveyor (ALS)
Additional information that may be required to support the application includes but is not limited to:
environmental impact assessment,
geotechnical studies,
slope analysis, traffic impact study,
visual impact study,
construction management plan,
drainage and stormwater management plan,
preliminary servicing concept, and
surface and sub-surface water flow studies.
Geotechnical reports will be required for water wells and private sewerage or steep slope assessment where the slope is greater than 15% and must be stamped by a P.Eng or P.Geo.
For larger, more comprehensive subdivision proposals, an Area Structure Plan may be required to support a subdivision application
When making a decision on a subdivision application the subdivision authority must consider:
The Municipal Government Act,
The Subdivision and Development Regulations,
The Municipal Development Plan,
Any relevant Area Structure Plan, and
The Land Use Bylaw
The MGA requires that the subdivision authority make a decision within 60 days of receipt of a complete application.
If the subdivision authority fails to make a decision within that timeframe, the applicant may enter into an agreement with the subdivision authority to extend the prescribed time, or the application is deemed refused
The initial approval is valid for one (1) year only. Before the expiry of that one year, your final plan of subdivision must be submitted to the Town for final endorsement.
If for some reason, you are unable to submit your final plan prior to the one-year expiry date, you can request an extension on your approval under Section 657(6) of the Municipal Government Act. This request must be made to the Town and should be made prior to the date of expiry; however, the Act does allow for an extension to be granted whether or not the time has expired.
The endorsement is valid for one (1) year and must be registered at the Land Titles Office before the expiry of that one year. If for some reason, registration cannot take place within that one year, an extension can be requested in accordance with Section 657 (6) of the Municipal Government Act.
After the subdivision decision
A decision of the subdivision authority may be appealed. A notice of appeal must be filed with the appropriate appeal body within 14 days of receipt of written decision from the subdivision authority or deemed refusal by the subdivision authority. Details of the appeal process are outlined in the decision letter.
Subdivision Approvals typically include conditions. The applicant is responsible for ensuring that all conditions are met, and for providing written documentation to the subdivision authority. Typical conditions include:
Payment of outstanding property taxes,
Road widening and utility right-of-way agreements,
Provision of required reserve lands
Entering into a development agreement with the municipality, and
Entering into an Easement Agreement.
A development agreement typically address:
The construction of onsite and offsite infrastructure,
The provision of landscaping, and
The payment of applicable offsite levies.
Subdivision Authority will endorse the subdivision document after receiving:
written confirmation that all the conditions of your approval have been met
payment of the Endorsement Fee
receipt of the surveyor’s package, which includes the Plan of Survey, signed consents, etc. and
any other supporting information required by the Subdivision Authority
Base fee
$625.00 + $100.00/lot created
Three (3) lots or less
Minor Boundary Adjustment or Separation of Title
$725.00 + $100.00/lot created
Four (4) to Twenty (20) Lots
$725.00 + $150.00/lot created
More than 20 lots
Note: There is no charge for municipal reserve lots, public utility lots or the balance of the title other than the basic application fee.
The application fee must be submitted with your subdivision application.
$100.00/lot created.
The endorsement fee must be submitted with your Final Plan.