Submit an Event

Community Events Calendar Submission Guidelines

We welcome submissions from non-profit organizations, agencies, clubs, and other community groups for inclusion in our Calendar. Please share details about your upcoming events, meetings, workshops, fundraisers, tournaments, and other community activities.


  1. Non-profit & Community Groups: Businesses and individuals hosting private events are not eligible.
  2. Location: Events must be held in Peace River or the surrounding area and open to Peace River residents.
  3. Contact Information: Include contact details for inquiries about your event. 
  4. Images: Attach an event poster or relevant image. For optimal display on the home page cards, your image should have a 2:1 width to height ratio.  Only submit your own, original content. Reproduced or borrowed content that reasonably appears to violate third party rights will not be used. If no image is provided, a default placeholder will be used. 
  5. Terms of Use: All submissions must adhere to the Public Terms of Use in the Social Media Participant Use Policy.
  6. Review Process: Submissions will be reviewed, and those that do not meet the guidelines will not be posted. 
  7. Invite the Mayor & Council: If you would like to invite the Mayor and Council to your event, please fill out our Event Invitation Request Form. Three-weeks notice for event invitations is appreciated. 

    If you need to request a correction to a submitted event please email

    Submission Form

    Are you listed on the Community Directory?

    Non-profit organizations, societies, clubs and community groups are invited to submit an entry to the Community Directory.  Share what you offer the community with a broader audience and help people find your programs and services. 

    Community Directory