The Town of Peace River is accepting applications for the Downtown Revitalization Grant.
The intent of this grant is to encourage the revitalization of downtown by providing a grant to landowners who construct new mixed-use development, multi-family residential development, or commercial development in downtown or who renovate existing mixed-use, multi-family residential or commercial development in downtown Peace River.
Applications should be submitted to the Town of Peace River for consideration. to be considered there are several eligibility criteria that must be met:
- Applicant must be the Owner of the Property
- Property must be located in the Downtown Revitalization Area, identified in Schedule A (see map below)
- Property must be: Multi-family development, commercial development, or mixed-use development
- Applicant has completed new development on the Property or has upgraded existing development and either has obtained or will obtain an occupancy permit in the time frames specified in the Revitalization Grant Agreement
- Applicant has obtained all necessary permits for the construction, including development permits and any permits required under the Safety Codes Act, RSA 2000, c.S including but not limited to building permits
- Applicant obtained a building permit approved after December 8, 2014 for the construction on the Property;
- All construction must conform with the requirements of the Town of Peace River Land Use Bylaw and other applicable federal, provincial and municipal regulations including but not limited to the Alberta Building Code and Alberta Fire Code
- Applicant must have increased the assessment of the Property by a minimum of $50,000 through new construction on the Property
- Applicant must not have any outstanding accounts with the Town for any taxes, receivables, utilities, or any other service provided by the Town to the Owner.
Application for Downtown Revitalization Grant
Grant policy, including schedules, maps and draft agreements
Below is a map highlighting the area of Town that qualifies for the grant.