Boards & Committees

In addition to the elected Town Council, decision making at the Town of Peace River includes the Agencies, Boards, and Committees (ABCs). 

Some of these organizations require local residents to take part in the planning, advisory, or decision-making processes. Others comprised only elected officials. 

Depending on the organization, the role may vary from advisory to quasi-judicial. 

If you are interested in applying for one of the Agencies, Boards, or Committees, read the description below and fill out the application linked below. 

If you have questions please contact us at (780) 624-2574.

Current Vacancies

As of November 28, 2024, the following vacancies exist:

  • Town of Peace River Library Board
  • Community Services Board
    • 1 member of Indigenous Heritage
  • Municipal Planning Commission
  • Peace Regional Healthcare Attraction & Retention Committee

Board & Committee Application 

Town Boards & Committees