In addition to the elected Town Council, decision making at the Town of Peace River includes the Agencies, Boards, and Committees (ABCs).
Some of these organizations require local residents to take part in the planning, advisory, or decision-making processes. Others comprised only elected officials.
Depending on the organization, the role may vary from advisory to quasi-judicial.
If you are interested in applying for one of the Agencies, Boards, or Committees, read the description below and fill out the application linked below.
If you have questions please contact us at (780) 624-2574.
Current Vacancies
As of November 28, 2024, the following vacancies exist:
- Town of Peace River Library Board
- Community Services Board
- 1 member of Indigenous Heritage
- Municipal Planning Commission
- Peace Regional Healthcare Attraction & Retention Committee
Town Boards & Committees
The Community Services Board is an advisory board that provides recommendations to Town Council on recreation and social programming. Areas the Board provides policy direction on include: public recreation facilities such as parks and trails, the arena, pool and sports fields; recreation activities such as the Summer Fun and Extreme Adventures programs; and act in an advisory capacity on museum operations historical matters. The Board is also involved with Family and Community Support Services (FCSS), oversees the FCSS Grants to Groups programs and gives input on family and youth programming, seniors services, and the volunteer program.
The Board meets at 7:00 PM the fourth Wednesday of every month, with a summer break in July.
If interested, please submit the application form at the bottom of this page.
The Town of Peace River has collaborated with the Peace River & District Chamber of Commerce to establish a new Economic Development Committee (EDC). The EDC will assist Town of Peace River staff and Council in supporting, enhancing, and promoting business and economic activity within Peace River. The Committee’s role is to plan and undertake economic development initiatives, to advise and support Peace River Council on matters relating to the local economy and business community, and to act as a liaison between Council and the business community.
The EDC membership includes one member of Town Council, one member from the Peace River & District Chamber of Commerce, and four members-at-large. This group works directly with the Town's Business Retention Specialist.
If you have questions about serving on the EDC, please contact the Business Retention Specialist of the Town at 780-624-2574 or
If you possess a love of reading and want to provide input into our library direction and enhancement, this is a great way to participate. With a small time commitment, you can contribute a lot. There are 10 required meetings a year, one a month for 10 months, and participation in various events.
Everyone is welcome. Meetings are open to the public to observe. Board meetings are held the second Thursday of each month at 6PM at the Library.
To Learn more about the Peace River Municipal Library, please visit their website.
The Municipal Planning Commission (MPC) is responsible for reviewing and making decisions on discretionary use and variance development applications, based on the municipal planning framework established by the Town’s municipal development plan, land use bylaw, and other relevant planning documents. The Development Officer of the Planning and Development department of the Town presents development applications to the board at MPC meetings for review and decision. The MPC may also provide advice and input on strategic planning processes and changes to the planning framework.
The Municipal Planning Commission is a nine (9) member municipal board established by Bylaw No. 1993. Members are appointed for a three (3) year term.
Ideal candidates possess:
- Backgrounds in development, planning, engineering, real estate, or legal, etc.
- Critical thinking,
- Willingness to debate,
- Experience serving on administrative boards or quasi-judicial boards.
Those interested in applying do not need formal training to apply but will have an interest in land use matters. Board training is provided by the Manager of Planning and Development. Members may also receive ongoing training workshops and development throughout their term.
MPC meetings are held in the Council Chambers at the Town Office, every second Tuesday at 4:15 pm, on an as-needed basis (typically the MPC meets between 6 and 12 times per year). MPC meetings are usually confirmed the Friday prior to the MPC meeting being held on Tuesday. The MPC may also hold special meetings as needed to accommodate strategic planning processes. Quorum for an MPC meeting is five members.
MPC Meeting Agendas & Minutes.
If you have questions about serving on the MPC, please contact the Planning and Development department of the Town at 780-624-2574.
If interested, please submit the application form at the bottom of this page.
The Peace Regional Healthcare Attraction and Retention Committee was created to support healthcare attraction and retention in the Peace region. Their objectives are:
- To provide support for healthcare providers’ attraction and retention.
- To enhance retention of healthcare providers by focusing on:
- Healthcare providers settling into the community,
- Family integration into the community,
- Family quality of life interests.
- To facilitate community involvement in the attraction and retention process together with healthcare providers, AHS, and the Borealis Primary Care Network.
Membership consists of 11 voting members including one appointed council representative from Town of Peace River, County of Northern Lights, Northern Sunrise County, Village of Nampa, and MD of Peace No. 135. The remaining voting members include one representative from the Peace River Community Health Centre, one from Sunrise Medical Clinic, and four public-at-large members.
Peace Regional Healthcare Attraction & Retention Committee Agendas and Minutes.
If this committee speaks to you, please submit an application below.
The Peace Regional Subdivision and Development Appeal Board (PRSDAB) hears and makes decisions on appeals related to stop orders, development, and subdivision decisions. A hearing panel is made up of three or more Board members that will hear appeals and make fair and impartial decisions based on the evidence presented.
As a statutory body intended to perform an independent adjudicative function that hears complaints like a court. The PRSDAB is an administrative board mandated by the Municipal Government Act and created by a municipality. PRSDAB exercises what are called ‘quasi-judicial functions.’ This means that they make a finding of fact based on evidence and then, apply legal rules, as found in the legislation and the planning instruments, to those findings. This process allows the PRSDAB to make a decision on a subdivision or a development matter after conducting a hearing fairly and in accordance with legislation, administrative law, and the principles of natural justice. The PRSDAB decisions are final and cannot be overturned unless the board makes an error in some aspect of law or jurisdiction.
The PRSDAB hears and deals with appeals from 16 municipalities around our region. Hearings are held on an as-needed basis.
The Board is established pursuant to the Municipal Government Act and regulations as well as Bylaw No. 2053. The Town of Peace River is required to appoint members to this board. As a member of the board, you would be called to participate in a hearing, depending on your availability. Members are appointed for a three (3) year term.
Ideal candidates possess:
- Backgrounds in development, planning, engineering, real estate, or legal, etc.
- Professional or legal writing abilities,
- Critical thinking,
- Willingness to debate,
- Experience serving on administrative boards or quasi-judicial boards.
Those interested in applying do not need formal training to apply but will have an interest in land use matters.
In accordance with the MGA and regulations, successful applicants must complete new member training and returning members must complete refresher training every three years thereafter. Training is hosted by the Alberta Land and Property Rights Tribunal (LPRT) over three days and is typically conducted online.
All expenses including compensation for time spent in training will be paid for by the Town of Peace River.
In addition to the mandated training requirements Members may receive ongoing training workshops and development throughout their term.
If you have questions about serving on the PRSDAB, please contact the Planning and Development department of the Town at 780-624-2574.
If interested, please submit the application form at the bottom of this page.
The Regional Assessment Review Board (RARB) is a quasi-judicial board that adjudicates assessment complaints in a court-like setting within the authority of the Municipal Government Act. The Panel is made up of one or more Board members that will hear assessment complaints and make fair and impartial decisions based on the evidence presented.
The Regional Assessment Review Board hears and deals with complaints about property assessments within:
- Town of Peace River
- Northern Sunrise County
- Clear Hills County
- Village of Hines Creek
- Village of Nampa
The Board is established pursuant to the Municipal Government Act (MGA) and regulations as well as Bylaw 2075. The Town of Peace River is required to appoint two members to this board. As a member of the board, you would be called to participate in a hearing, depending on your availability.
Members are appointed for a three (3) year term, and may apply for reappointment following expiry of their term.
Ideal candidates possess:
- Backgrounds in property assessment, real estate, legal or valuation, etc.
- Professional or legal writing abilities,
- Critical thinking,
- Willingness to debate,
- Experience serving on administrative boards or quasi-judicial boards.
In accordance with the MGA and regulations, new member training must be successfully completed and refresher training must be successfully completed every three years thereafter. Training is hosted by the Alberta Land and Property Rights Tribunal (LPRT) over three days and is typically conducted online.
All expenses including compensation for time spent in training will be paid for by the Town of Peace River.
In addition to the mandated training requirements, Members may receive various training workshops and development throughout their term.
If interested, please submit the application form at the bottom of this page.
The Regional Energy Committee, representing the County of Northern Lights, Municipal District of Peace, Nothern Sunrise County, and the Towns of Grimshaw and Peace River, is committed to supporting nuclear power development in northern Alberta's Peace Region. The Committee will ensure transparency, serving as a liaison for residents and businesses, fostering engagement and communication. We will collaborate with provincial and federal governments to address Alberta's growing needs for safe, secure, and reliable energy, supporting the federal and provincial government's net-zero emission targets, while strengthening economic growth in northern Alberta's Peace Region.
Membership is comprised of elected officials from the participating municipalities.