Last night, Council met for a Governance and Priorities meeting, which is a chance for Council to discuss items before any official decisions are made (those happen at regular Council meetings).
Here are some highlights:
- Council discussed the proposed Non-Standard Crosswalk Policy – meaning how we handle requests to paint decorative crosswalks in town.
This was spurred by two requests we received this summer from community groups seeking approval to paint decorative crosswalks on Town roads. Realizing we do not have a policy in place to guide such requests, Administration declined to process them until we established a policy.
Program policies are important in determining the who, what, whys, wheres, whens, and hows, providing Administration with guidance and rationale for approving or declining requests.
For example – Who is allowed to make a request? Who is responsible for approving them? What level of responsibility should the Town or the applicant have? What materials can or should be used? What is allowed to be painted and what isn’t? And the list goes on. So, we worked on a policy to make all of that clear and Council discussed it last night. One note Council requested was further clarity on how long a crosswalk should last for and how we determine its replacement (or continuance).
Administration will be bringing this policy back to a future Council meeting for further discussion and potential adoption.
- Council discussed the Procedural Bylaw, which included proposals to make a number of revisions, including consolidating the Procedural Bylaw and the Governance and Priorities Committee Bylaw; ability to cancel or reschedule a meeting without the need for a Council motion; greater clarity for length of presentations at public hearings; and much more.
As Administration undertakes the revision process (a lengthy one for this bylaw), we will also consult other municipalities' bylaws and ensure we are aligned with best municipal practices.
- Council discussed ATCO Franchise Fees, and whether to modify the Franchise Fee percentages for 2025. Requests for Decision will be brought to the September 16 Council meeting.
And there was more!
You may find a couple of the reports interesting – one is APEX Security's one-month report, and the other is a September 2024 Development Report.
Everything is available in the agenda here:
And you can watch it back here: