Peace River Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) is offering free income tax filing for low- or no-income seniors, AISH recipients, individuals, and families living in Peace River, Dixonville, the County of Northern Lights, or the MD of Peace. There are restrictions around who is eligible to receive this service, including:
Low Income:
Individuals: Under $35,000
Couples: Under $45,000 combined
Add $2,500 additional income for each child
Simple Tax Situation:
We cannot file returns for self-employment, bankruptcy, or deceased individuals.
Resident of:
Peace River, Dixonville, County of Northern Lights, or the MD of Peace
The registration deadline is March 14, 2024.
You can register early, even if you don’t have your tax slips yet!
To register: Phone Peace River FCSS at 780-624-1000