Franchise Fee Increase Notice

Please be advised the Town of Peace River is proposing to increase the local access fee, which is charged to ATCO Electric for the use of the municipal lands for its power lines, effective January 1, 2024.

The fee is recovered by ATCO Electric from its customers as the local franchise fee on electrical billings of all customers that receive electric service in the Town of Peace River.

The Franchise fee will be increased from 11.5% to 12.5% on the delivery charges of ATCO Electric, excluding energy related riders. The average residential increase has been estimated at $1.24 per month, on an average consumption of 625 kWh.

Residents of the Town of Peace River have until November 17, 2023, to make their concerns known in writing by contacting:

Sam Mugford, CPA, CA
Director of Corporate Services
Box 6600, 9911 – 100 Street, Peace River, AB T8S 1S4
(780) 624.2574 ext. 1018